Tri County Youth Football & Cheerleading Conference
Q. How do I sign my child up?
A. We have 15 organizations across Hillsborough, Polk and Pasco Counties offering various options to those living in the Tri-County area. Please visit our "Organizations" page to find the nearest organization.
Q. Are there organizational boundaries determining where we must sign-up?
A. No. You are free to find an organization that best suits your individual needs and desires. The only prohibition is once a player participates in a practice he/she is forbidden from transferring to another TCYFCC organization. Also, changing organizations from one year to the next requires the losing organization to grant a release. Denials are based on funds or equipment owed.
Q. When are practices?
A. Each organization sets their days and times of practices while TCYFCC mandates the total hours a team may practice during the week. Typically, once school begins practices are limited to 3 nights a week, 2 hours a night maximum, and cannot go past 9 P.M.
Q. Are practices controlled in any way?
A. TCYFCC sets limits on the practice hours as well as when players can have contact. Over the course of a week players gradually increase from no contact conditioning drills to full contact practices. This allows players an acclimation period before the heavy lifting begins.
Q. What are the registration fees?
A. TCYFCC does not govern individual registration fees. Each organization sets their own fees.
Q. Do you offer assistance to families experiencing financial difficulties?
A. The goal of each of our organizations is to allow children to participate in the sport he or she loves. TCYFCC does not offer financial assistance but many of our organizations offer assistance in a variety of ways. Please contact our organizations to see if they may be of assistance.
Q. Practices have already begun. Is it too late to sign up?
A. Usually not but there are several factors that determine if a team may accept players based on roster size. Please contact the potential organization directly or contact us to find the nearest organization.
Q. What are the age and weight restrictions?
A. We afford football and cheer opportunities for the ages of 4 to 14. There are no weight restrictions for football. In 2015 we began aligning players in accordance with ages only and since that time we have not experienced any increase in injuries. This topic has been extensively researched and consistently studies have shown there is no significant increase in injuries related to unlimited weight leagues.
Q. Does the youngest level play flag or contact?
A. Our Mighty Mite Division for 5 and 6 year olds play competitive contact with restrictions on blitzing and alignment. This level is also eligible for post season play including the TCYFCC Super Bowl.
Q. What kind of equipment is needed for football?
A. All of our organizations will loan players helmet, shoulder pads, and game uniforms. Some organizations provide practice uniforms or offer items for sale at a reduced cost. Contact your respective organization for more information
Q. How many games do you play and when?
A. We have 10 regular season games against different opponents. Games are on Saturdays with the youngest category playing at 9AM finishing with the oldest kicking off at 4PM. We do not play on Labor Day Weekend.
Q. How often do your teams travel and how far?
A. Teams will have 5 regular season games at home and 5 away games. Most away games are local and within 20 miles. The farthest distance between organizations is about 45 miles.
Q. Do you offer post season play?
A. Yes. At each level eight teams will advance to post season play in a bid to be Super Bowl Champions. Playoffs are conducted over 3 consecutive weeks culminating in the TCYFCC Super Bowl. Many of our Super Bowl winners advance to the State Alliance State Championship to compete against some of the best teams for a state championship. Many of our organizations compete in the United Football League National Championship Tournament held in Plant City. Additionally, we offer Cheer Competitions both within and outside of TCYFCC. There is an annual TCYFCC Cheer Off where our Grand Champions are crowned as well as place finishers.
Q. Do you have volunteer requirements?
A. Each organization establishes their own volunteer requirements.
Q. Do you have a minimum play rule?
A. Yes. Each player must participate in a minimum of 5 plays per game to include post-season games.
Q. Do you have academic requirements?
A. Each organization is encouraged to follow a no pass/no play policy and emphasize a student-first mentality. Other organizations state they enforce this policy however they do not review progress reports but rely on last year's reports cards to ensure advancement. We encourage our organizations to work closely with the parents to ensure our student athletes excel in the classroom first.
Q. Can a player play for two different teams in different leagues?
A. No. Dual participation in another full contact football program is prohibited. A player may participate in non-contact program like school flag football or other recreational flag leagues. Participation in multiple full contact programs is harmful to the physical well-being of a child.
Q. How can I become a coach?
A. Each organization selects coaches using both TCYFCC and their own selective criteria. Please contact one of our organizations to determine how you may help.
Q. There have has been a lot of discussion about concussions in youth football. What is the policy on this?
A. Any player suspected of having a concussion must be cleared by a physician before he/she can return to any physical activity. We implemented and follow the same concussion protocol established by the FHSSAA. We err on the side of caution and give our coaches, parents, board member and officials the authority to suspend a player's activities due to a suspected concussion. We believe in sound concussion prevention teaching players to not lead with their head taking the head completely out of tackling. Many of our organizations have begun to teach Hawk Tackling which places a heavy emphasis on a rugby style of tackling and is now being taught at most colleges and the NFL. Safety of the players is the #1 priority.
Q. What do I do if I have a problem with a coach or board member for my organization?
A. Most issues can be resolved at the local organization level if given the chance. Before elevating matters to the TCYFCC executive board we ask that you allow your organization president or a trustee the opportunity to address your concerns. Unless it is a direct violation of TCYFCC Bylaws or rules or a child safety issue, the TCYFCC executive board does not govern daily operations of an organization. Each of our organizations are independent with elected board members and appointed trustees and are in a better position to address complaints or concerns. Child safety matters should be reported immediately to a trustee.
Q. I want to be on the sideline during my child’s game or practices. Is this possible?
A. Only those adults listed on the official roster and in possession of a TCYFCC badge as a coach, team manager, or trainer that has completed the required background check and training are allowed to interact or be in the immediate vicinity of the children both during practices or games