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Tri County Youth Football & Cheerleading Conference

League Age is determined child age as of July 31 of the current year.
Mighty Mights: 5 and 6 (4 years old allowed on a case by case basis)
Pee Wees: 7 and 8
Midgets: 9 and 10
Junior Varsity: 11 and 12
Varsity: 13 and 14
Game / Check-in Times
Mighty Mights: 9:00am / 8:00am
Pee Wees: 10:30am / Half-time of Mighty Mites game
Midgets: 12:00pm / Half-time of Peewee game
Junior Varsity: 2:00pm / Half-time of Midget game
Varsity: 4:00pm / Half-time of JV game
TCYFCC Football is age based without weight restrictions to ensure the maximum safety for all participants. Numerous studies have shown unlimited weight leagues are safer for participants and weighted leagues are rightly becoming a thing of the past. There is little scientific evidence that supports the premise a weighted playing standard reduces injury risk and promotes player safety relative to an age only unlimited weight playing standard. Epidemiologic evidence suggests that injury incidence increases with grade level, with the injury rate among seventh and eighth graders being about 50% to 100% higher than that of fourth and fifth graders. This is exactly why older players should not be placed with younger players which weighted leagues allow with older/lighter players. Parents are encouraged to get fact based information independent of advice given by those promoting weighted leagues as safer.
When in doubt sit them out

TCYFCC places player safety ahead of all else. Our organizations strive to improve through coach, parent and player education on concussion awareness. As with any sport or outdoor activity, concussions are a great concern and proper diagnosis and medical treatment are essential to the overall health and well being of children. TCYFCC organizations follow the standards developed by the Florida High School Athletic Association to ensure no participant suspected of having a concussion returns to activities until cleared by proper medical personnel. The FHSAA Sports Medicine Advisory Committee defines an appropriate health-care professional (AHCP as either a licensed physician (MD, as per Chapter 458, Florida Statutes), a licensed osteopathic physician (DO, as per Chapter 459, Florida Statutes)
Hydration starts at home
Athletes increase their risk of heat illness as they become dehydrated. According to the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, it is not uncommon to reach dehydration levels significant enough to place athletes at risk of developing exertional heat illness in an hour of exercise. Athletes can reach this level even more rapidly if they begin the workout, practice, or competition dehydrated. This is a common occurrence. Many of the risk factors for heat illness can be eliminated to help prevent heat injury to the athlete. Hydration begins at home many hours before, during and after physical activity outdoors. If you wait until practice begins to hydrate you waited too late.
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